Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Frank & Ethel Update (Incredibly Stupid Carrier Tricks)

IB readers may recall our post a few weeks ago, when we reported on the incredibly poor job Anthem had done regarding continuation of coverage, and refund of premiums, following the death of an insured.
I am delighted to report that I just got off the phone with "Ethel," who informed me that she had just been notified by her bank that all the funds had, indeed, been deposited into her account.
We were both quite pleased to be able to put this behind us, and she expressed her gratitude for my efforts on her behalf. Of course, it's my job to advocate for my clients, but I never turn down a warm fuzzy.
Dampening our spirits somewhat is the sad fact that it took Anthem over two weeks to deliver on their promise of a quick resolution and refund.
That's pathetic.


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