Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It Must Be An Election Year . . . The Saga Continues

As one of the premier blogs on issues regarding insurance, and particularly on health care and health insurance, we get quite a few solicitations from folks who want us to help get their message out to our readers.

Yes, it is an election year. And yes, there are quite a few special interest groups asking for a handout from politicians who are willing to promise anything if you will just send them to Washington.

Health Care for America Now is one such organization whose agenda includes health care for everyone.

For over 200 years we, as a nation, have somehow managed to survive without asking the government to take over something that is a personal responsibility. But this group believes it is time to create a nanny state when it comes to health care.

As part of their mission statement, they include the following.

A choice of a private insurance plan, including keeping the insurance you have if you like it, or a public insurance plan without a private insurer middleman that guarantees affordable coverage.

Define "affordable". Somehow "cutting out the middle man" is supposed to accomplish this yet they fail to embellish. I guess the government doesn't have overhead and would not be considered a middle man.

A watchdog role on all plans, to assure that risk is fairly spread among all health care payers and that insurers do not turn people away, raise rates or drop coverage based on a person’s health history or wrongly delay or deny care.

Most of this already exists. Employer sponsored health plans adhere to all of these principles. All states have risk pools or other HIPAA options to guarantee coverage to everyone. Apparently the folks at HCAN don't know this.

So who supports HCAN?

*ACORN, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Americans United for Change, Campaign for America’s Future, Center for American Progress Action Fund, Center for Community Change, MoveOn.org, National Council of La Raza, National Education Association, National Women’s Law Center, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Service Employees International Union, United Food and Commercial Workers, and USAction.

ACORN is one of the groups that helped create the mortgage crisis. Guess they want to do likewise for the health care system.

In addition to the above groups, Barack Hussein Obama is "proud to join their cause."

With the $700-billion economic recovery bill now law, Obama has turned his sights on health care.

So the credit crisis is now solved. Just throw more money at the health care issues and suddenly, no more problem.

Of course the folks in Congress weren't content to offer up $700,000,000 of our money. Money they don't have. They had to add another $140,000,000 in "pork" in order to get the bill passed.

Sounds like middle men to me.

I guess this must be an election year.


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