Now that SCOTUS has affirmed that we must pay higher taxes, while placing our health care in the hands of unelected and unaccountable Death Panels, it's helpful to know that there are alternatives.
Since we'll now be seeing fewer medical innovations, what can folks do if (when?) they need health care and can no longer find it (or are denied outright)?
Well, the folks at Medical Travel Today report that "[s]afety is and has always been a key issue in the world of healthcare and medical travel ... one organization is doing its part to bring a new level of safety to many medical travelers' first step: the search."
MTT has an exclusive interview with DotHealth CEO Andy Weissberg; DotHealth "aims to create a safer, more secure environment for both consumers and global health stakeholders from a variety of fields."
Those of us with Health Savings Accounts (HSA's) will also be interested in this item, which reports that "HSA account holders will now have the opportunity to take advantage of a medical travel option and access high quality healthcare services at significant savings virtually anywhere in the world."
Of course, HSA-compliant plans will be phased out as ObamaTax is fully implemented, and it's unclear how the accounts themselves will fare down the road. But for now, it's up, up and away!
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