Tuesday, June 7, 2005


This is not new to us or to Robert O. Becker MD; but it may be new to you. If you live near power lines or large transformers, or your children go to school near them, check this out. It is very much worse than the public has been led to believe due to the same old things, i.e. greed, corruption, graft, ignorance, etc. To find out the real deal and how far it goes, read Dr. Becker’s incredible book.

(Becker, O. Robert, M.D. Cross Currents; the perils of electropollution—the promise of electromedicine. N. Y. St. Martin’s Press, 1990. A fantastic overview of the meaning and method of “energy medicine”. Gives a great understanding of all alternative therapies, their promise and the concomitant danger of unbridled electro pollution in our environment. Well written and engrossing by a brilliant scientist.)

“Researchers estimated that youngsters living within 200 meters (yards) of the lines were about 70 percent more likely to develop leukemia compared to those who lived beyond 600 meters, the UK's Press Association reported.”


Childhood cancer in relation to distance from high voltage power lines in England and Wales: a case-control study (Paper)


There is a lot more to this. Just keep in mind that the greater the distance the safer you are. Even an electric clock or blanket has demonstrated harmful effects if closer than three feet!!! This is a form of pollution that has not seen the light of day yet. Help shine a light.


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