Monday, November 12, 2007

Over There, Over There

It's not so much that "the Yanks are coming" as it is, what do they do with their group health insurance while they're "over there?"
That's a question I hadn't really considered until recently, when a client of mine called seeking an answer. Seems one of his employees has been called up, and is headed to Iraq for the next year.
Of course, we wish him God Speed and a safe return.
But my client wanted to know how to handle the group coverage for his employee. And that's where I came in.
Thanks to a buddy, I'm clued in to the USERRA (Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act), which states:
■ If you leave your job to perform military service, you have the right to elect to continue your group insurance
■ Even if you take a pass, you can get back on when you get back "over here"
Intrigued? You can download the details, in pdf form, here.


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