Sunday, November 4, 2007

Piling on the MVNHS©

Quick, to which health care system is this quote referring:
If you answered "England's," you win a valuable prize.
We've long referred to the British healthcare system as the Much Vaunted NHS©, and watched as it slowly (but surely) disintegrates. There are, of course, those who think such a system would be just peachy here in the former colonies, but we have our doubts.
Latest case in point:
"The survey comes as new figures reveal that last year about 70,000 Britons spent more than £315 million paying for treatment in overseas hospitals and clinics to escape long NHS waiting lists and high rates of infection."
Granted, we recently blogged on this phenomenon, as a sort of counter-point to those who pooh-pooh our own system as somehow "broken." There's no question that our system is far from perfect, but a move to gummint-run healthcare is apparently no panacea.
As Keith Pollard, blogging at Treatment Abroad, observes:
"Despite huge investment in the NHS over the past 17 years, patients from the UK are voting with their feet and travelling abroad."
And there's this: almost a quarter of those surveyed support "a tax deductible insurance policy as a way of paying for treatment."
Well heck, so do we!
But that's another post.


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