Friday, January 4, 2008

OK Diet

Anyone notice how the talk shows and commercials are mostly about losing weight? Probably just a coincidence.

Apparently the mayor of Oklahoma City is getting in the act. He has challenged the residents to lose 1,000,000 pounds during 2008.

Over 2600 have registered to participate.

You can track their progress here.

Oklahoma City ranked 15th in a 2007 survey of America's fattest cities conducted by Men's Fitness magazine

No word on who beat them out for the other 14 positions.

The Oklahoma Legislature designated an official state meal in 1988. The menu also includes fried okra, squash, barbecue pork, biscuits, grits, corn, strawberries and black-eyed peas.

A state meal? Sounds like legislators have way too much time on their hands.

"In Colorado, you ski, you climb, you run ... something," . . . In Oklahoma we're spectators."

Wonder if the Man Girdle could catch on in OK?


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