Monday, February 4, 2008

Health Insurance with a Hillary Garnish on the Side

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How would you like your health insurance? How about a little garnish?

Many politicians (and regular folk as well) think the way to universal coverage is paved with mandates. One such mandate is requiring everyone to purchase health insurance . . . or else . . .

Mandated health insurance is equated to mandated auto insurance.

But the two are very dissimilar.

Auto insurance is required mostly due to liability. If you wreck your car and don't have insurance you lose your "investment" in the car.

But if you injure someone in the process, they can incur significant medical bills, loss of income and even loss of life.

The states have decided if you are going to drive you are going to have auto insurance.

Some states have already toyed with mandated health insurance. So far it is a bust.

Now a presidential candidate wants to garnish your wages if you do not purchase health insurance.

Clinton has not always specified the enforcement measures she would embrace, but when pressed on ABC's "This Week," she said: "I think there are a number of mechanisms" that are possible, including "going after people's wages, automatic enrollment."

Going after your wages.

OK, I suppose . . .

I mean, after all, in many jurisdictions if you fail to pay your uninsured medical bills your wages can be garnished.

Clinton said such measures would apply only to workers who can afford health coverage but refuse to buy it,

Well, that's a relief.


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