Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Why did Farrah Fawcett have to go to Germany to get a secret alternative therapy? Is it something we peasants can also do?

From People online:

“Farrah Fawcett is receiving "alternative treatments" for cancer in Germany – and videotaping the experience for a possible documentary, a close friend of the actress's tells PEOPLE.

The German magazine Bunte first reported that the actress is undergoing chemotherapy in the University Clinic in Frankfurt, combining the treatments with alternative healing methods in Bad Wiessee, in southern Germany. Contacted by PEOPLE, Ricarda Wessinghagen, a spokeswoman for the hospital, said: "I can confirm that Farrah Fawcett was here and was treated here, but I have no more information." Nevius declined to reveal the nature of the treatment in Germany, but did say, "She's been documenting everything in a video diary" for "what could be a very important documentary."”

Is there hope for the rest of us? Well, in our opinion, we know what kind of therapy Farrah got in Germany.

Almost every physician in Germany uses “ozone therapy” regularly. They have been treating cancer and aids for over 20 years with very good results. And yet, try to get info from your friendly neighborhood doctor!! They either do not know or don not care. And if they did, they would get sanctioned by the AMA and FDA. In America, ozone has been comdemened as smog and a pollutant by the FDA. Now you know where your tax dollars go, to preventing you from knowing about effective, alternative treatments for cancer!

The Truth is (and there is a ton of scientific evidence) ozone therapy is a boon to mankind and it is available in Germany, Russia, Mexico and Cuba and even in some daring clinics in the US (with limited applications).

But the best news is, it is a simple therapy and YOU CAN TREAT YOURSELF, with a modicum of study and the right equipment. You don’t have to pay through the nose for this unless you insist it be provided by an MD—they cost more. The best and least expensive source of information and equipment is the site
Oxygenmedicine.com . With less than $4,000, you can get the job done, if you are dedicated. And, you own the equipment which is far better than having to run to a clinic that charges and arm and a leg every time you have a relapse or catch the flu. Even if you are not sick, this therapy has been demonstrated to have powerful prophylactic (preventive) effects. Become educated before you have to act in haste.



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