Sunday, June 8, 2008

10 ways to lose weight

10 ways to lose weight

1. you have to be in the frame of mind and be ready for a change because if your not it will never work, so wait until you say enough is enough and really decide todays the day I will not go another day with the struggles of being overweight.

2. Have a great support person it can be someone from work, a church friend your mother wife, husband who ever yiu can count on to hold you accountable and not let you quit of fail, because there will be times when you want that double cheeseburger and fries, and this person can help you to know on occasions you can have but not everday.Use this person to vent to talk about personal problem about anything that help you obtain your goal and that is weight loss.

3. find something else to do beside sitting in front of your TV, being sedetary is what got you were you are. You need to find a activity to get you moving even if it only 10 minute walk to start with, and overtime you can increase it longer and longer and you will see results believe me.

4.Increase your water intake because increasing your water will help flush that fat out of system, it also help you feel full, so if you drink water right before you eat a meal it will help your caloric intake.

5. try to eat 2-4 serving of friuts a day . it increase the natural finer in your diet and will help with constipation and will give you plenty of vitamin especially vitamin c.

6. eat at lease 4 serving of vegetables, this helps also with digestion and constipation increase the fiber in your diet which decreases risk for colon cancer. Also they are low in caloric intake so you wont eat alot of calories, by increasing vetetables in your diet.

7. make time for yourself go to the spa or just made your self important because if you value yourself you are more willing to take good care of your body. Try to take 1 hour out for yourself everyday.

8.drinking green tea has been shown to give you antioxidant which is good for your overall health and it also boost your metabolism.

9. Take a multivitamin daily make sure that you get all the essential nutrient daily.

10. The one thing that really helped me lose weight is the applepatchdiet dietary supplement it is a all natural product that lifts your mood curbs your appetite and gives you an overall good feeling without making you feel jittery. It has no stimulants and has helped me lose 35 pounds along with these other tips. for more information go to

by melissa schulz

Related : 3 Tips to Start Enjoying Weight Loss


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