Sunday, June 8, 2008

5 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

Need healthy ways to lose weight?

Below are 5 sure fire tips to help you slash the weight and keep it off.

Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

1. How to reduce overall body fat by realizing that food is not your enemy is a wise decision. Without food, our body cannot function for very long. It is what you were eating and how much of it that led you to gain the weight. Healthy natural weight loss is not about giving up food, rather it is about eating sensibly to control your cravings and feeding your body.

2. Intervals and circuits vastly reduce boredom. Traditional long steady state cardio training and/or weight lifting can become quite boring. Interval training and circuit training adds more variety, intensity and excitement to a workout. More importantly, it burns more calories during and after a workout

3. Drinking an energy drink after sweating from a good workout may make sense - but drinking them throughout the day will only have you riding a roller coaster of highs and lows from constant spikes in blood sugar levels and adrenaline. The long-term consequences can leave you fatigued, run-down, and possibly a few pounds heavier.

So look at cutting down on the sugary drinks, including the diet kinds - instead drink more of the free calorie drinks like water.

4. Keep track of everything you consume - what you eat and what you drink. On a weekly basis review the journal, especially taking note of any emotional eating. If so, look at getting healthy low fat snacks that can substitute for those bad eating binge, or find distractions that can get you that outlet like going for a run.

A food journal is a great way to phase out your bad eating eating habits and lose the body fat.

5. Take a day off - It's important to reward yourself with small servings of foods you love once a week. If you don't, all you think about are those off limit treats.

With fat loss, it is all about making changes - eating better and getting more active. It's as simple as that. So start your plan of action and follow the above healthy ways to lose weight now!

by Jason Oh

Link : 3 Powerful Ways To Speed Up Your Metabolism And Weight Loss


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