Sunday, June 8, 2008

7 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight And 7 Secret Fixes

There are seven reasons why many people--maybe even you--fail to lose weight no matter how hard they try. Fortunately there are seven fixes that can help. Try them today.

- Reason 1: You're thinking short term. - Secret Fix 1: Think long term.

Many people see weight loss as being "for the wedding," "for summer in my bikini" or "for my high-school reunion."

But weight loss is for keeps, so train yourself in habits that last a lifetime.

When you figure the changes you're making are for the long term, you'll make better, more realistic, decisions. Like not banishing everything sweet from your tastebuds.

Perhaps you'll decide to emphasize fruits, have an occasional fat-free fro-yo, or choose a single indulgent chocolate once a month as a manageable, hedonistic treat.

-Reason 2: You aren't educated about food choices or have forgotten over time. -Secret Fix 2: Educate yourself on what you're eating--especially if you think you know.

Most of us don't have the facts on foods. Calories, fat content, portion sizes. And those who have been on many diets begin to merge them together. That could actually cause weight gain.

Example: If you ignore calories and use the Atkins diet strictly, that may work, at least in the induction phase. But if you eat the high-calorie proteins and fats Atkins allows and also snack on carbs, you'll gain weight.

Get clear on the path you're following and keep a log until you're absolutely sure you don't need one.

Then every few months, spend a week weighing and measuring your food again and writing it down to remind yourself of proper portion size. It's a rare person who doesn't stray once he or she gets too comfortable.

- Reason 3: You're fibbing to yourself about the exercise you're getting. - Secret Fix 3: Be honest about how much you're moving your body--and to what result.

The flip side of eating (energy intake) is using the energy by moving your body (energy output).

Most of us don't know the facts on physical activity and exercise. For instance: how many minutes of moderate walking does it take to burn off the calories of a small, simple burger?

We overestimate physical exertion and underestimate portion size.

The fix is to get the info, write it down, and commit it to memory. Make simple calculations between the energy you're taking in as food and what you're using up by moving.

- Reason 4: You get discouraged and quit because someone else is losing faster. - Secret Fix 4: Avoid comparisons with friends and celebs--and yourself at age eleven!

Make decisions based on the Here and Now. "Slow and steady wins the race" when it comes to changing your body. What works with Hollywood salaries and on-staff trainers and dieticians may not work for you.

Frankly, it may not work for them, either, on a permanent basis. Think of the actors who you see losing and gaining back weight constantly. That isn't what you want, is it?

- Reason 5: You reward successes with food--and it's not celery sticks. - Secret Fix 5: Reward yourself with something appealing other than food.

A new novel, scarf, or game are better rewards. They last longer and are constant reminders of your ongoing success and new way of thinking.

- Reason 6: You tempt yourself relentlessly, and then punish yourself for giving in. - Secret Fix 6: Tempt yourself with lower calorie foods made attractive and delicious.

The added bonus in this method is that you gradually change your tastes. My food choices are now more savory (so they don't lead me into a pattern of snacking on sweets), more dense and, therefore, more filling.

My weight stays down, I have extra energy for exercise, and remaining at goal weight is easy. Ask yourself what specific foods cause you to overeat, and stay away from them except in limited, controlled portions.

Example: If you only buy one chocolate, that's all you have and all you can eat.

- Reason 7: Jealous friends disrupt your progress. - Secret Fix 7: Don't boast of successes or insult those who aren't weight watching.

Avoid sabotage by not inviting jealousy and betrayal. (And if they're just meanies, why would you want them around?) Enjoy the changes in your body and discuss them only with dedicated co-dieters and your true cheerleaders.

Don't tell people they need to lose weight. They know it and will resent your confirmation. Instead, pay attention to your own progress or that of others who have asked you to join them in the mutual goal of fitness and health.

Groups like Weight Watchers are a great place to find support. Still, make certain those you choose to bond with are succeeding and want you to succeed too.

Above all, enjoy the process, the new learnings, and your ongoing success! ©2008 by Wendy Lapidus-Saltz. All rights reserved.

by Wendy N. Lapidus-Saltz

Related : 3 Secrets to a Successful Weight Loss Workout Plan


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