Weight Loss
The main way to losing your weight is decrease the Intake (input) and Increase the Outake (output).
The example to Decrease yout Intake are :
1. Decrease your eat portion.
We Suggest using this portion step by step, if you do it by suddenly, then our body will "surprised" and will be easy to get hungry. Decrease this portion especially for some food or beverage that contain carbohidrate and fat.
2. Decrease to consume some food that contain alot of fat and carbohidrate (because this food will make us to become fat), the compensation from this reduction is increase to consume the food that contain a ot of protein, because protein is the main improtant factor in metabolisme process of Carbohidrate and fat. So our body will still product the energy eventhought we eat little food that contain carbohidrate and fat.
3. Increase to eat some fruits and vegetable.
because two kinds of this food contain Vitamin, mineral and natural fiber that clearly there is no fat.
4. Drink the fresh water properly.
Fresh water is the catalisator to encourage the metabolism in our body.....so if we drink fresh water properly, so the mtabolism in our body will maximal.
The example to out the outake are :
1. Sport
This is real, because the principle of the sport is to burn our calories. we suggest to exercise regularly and balance, in order to the we can look the decreasing of the weight.
You can try to doing some simple sport, like walking, jogging, riding, skipping, or gymnastics.
The main is, usefull motio in that sport in order to burn our fat.
2.make our digestion work properly.
With eat a lot of vegetable that have high fiber, it can make our disgestion work properly. if our disgestion is not work properly, so it's meant that out input more that our output, so it's meant that the people who having process digestion properly will have body thiner than the poeple who doesn't have process disgestion properly.
3. Being the activity people not tend to be lazy people.
Metabolism is the compensation from body to fill our energy for doing some activity not to being lazy, if our body is not active and being lazy, so our body will do adjustment and will not to activate the metabolism process, and if matbolism process not active, so our body will make carbohidrate and fat in our body to become meat and absolutely it's meant that we will fat again.... :-)
Translate By Syarif
Visit us : www.weight-loss-blogs.blogspot.com
Related : Eating Out And Losing Weight
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