Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Weight Loss Tips - What Is The Difference Between Fat Loss And Weight Loss

It seems "Weight Loss" is one of the most popular phrases in the XXI century. Almost everyone talks about weight loss and almost everyone wants to lose weight. The thing is that a lot of people don't understand what is the real difference between weight loss and fat loss. They are completely different and if you are losing fat, the end results will be completely different than weight loss. In this article I am going to give you a brief description of fat loss and weight loss and how they are different from each other.

So what is fat loss? It seems that not a lot of people understand the real meaning of this phrase and I personally known that this phrase is used more often between bodybuilders than normal, everyday people who just want to get rid of extra kilograms. Fat is a layer under our skin and above our muscles and it is impossible to have toned muscles if will have a lot of fat above them, so you should do fat burning exercises. Fat burning exercises are really simple and they can used by every person who is going to a gym. When a bodybuilder tries to burn the fat under his skin, he doesn't lift heaviest weights he can, instead, he tries to use lighter weights, but he does tremendous amounts of repetitions and by doing so, he burns the fat and the muscle definition gets better. There are no secrets here, only different training methods.

Whereas weight loss can be done in two different ways - muscle mass loss and fat loss. I think a lot of people lose a lot of their muscle mass, when they are trying to lose weight in traditional methods. Simply a lot of people don't understand the basic muscle growth and working principles and they don't know that, when they are on weight loss diet - they have to make sure that they have a lot of proteins, so the muscles don't collapse. A lot of people don't understand this and in the end of the day they are wondering "Why my biceps got smaller?".

It doesn't matter if you want to lose weight or if you want to burn fat - you have to make sure that you as much as you can about these two subjects. When you will have a lot of knowledge about these subject, the chances are greater that you will achieve your results faster, than just a person who "only wants to lose weight". Increase your knowledge.

By Robertas Domarkas

Check Out the Related Article : How To Obtain Healthy Rapid Weight Loss


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