Monday, February 2, 2009

Firing a Cannon at SCHIP

FoIB and Cato Institute wonk Michel Cannon has a fascinating and insightful article in the latest edition of the National Review Online. In it, he argues pursuasively that although the program has enjoyed modest success, it has done so at an unjustifiable price.
Here's a taste:
"It’s not even clear that SCHIP’s method for improving children's health—expanding insurance coverage—is the right one. The New England Journal of Medicine reports large gaps between the quality of care children receive and what they should receive, even if the children have insurance. That study’s authors conclude, “Expansion of access to care through insurance coverage, which is the focus of national health care policy related to children, will not, by itself, eliminate the deficits in the quality of care.”
Note well that last caveat about "quality of care." How come *that's* never addressed by those who favor socialized medicine?
As they say, read the whole thing.


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