Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Origins Of Hoodia Gordonii

Losing weight can be a pain, there is no doubt about it. Many families don't have time to sit down and eat healthy meals throughout the day, let alone go back and forth to the gym several times a week. It can be tough staying on top of everything you need to do without having to worry about following a diet plan. That is why it is so easy to quit and give up on your diet, but in the end all it does is cause more disappointment and disillusionment. Still, what if there was a way that you could take a pill and stop feeling hungry all the time, even if you are exercising regularly? Well believe it or not, there is a special herb called Hoodia that is grown in the desert and can do all of this and more. To help you learn a little bit more about what Hoodia is and where it comes from, we've created this brief introduction to the Hoodia plant.

In Africa, there is a desert that goes by the name of the Kalahari Desert where there are several forms of plants and animals that roam the area. Like most deserts, the plant life in the Kalahari is mostly cactus like because the climate is dry and the water is sparse. In the Kalahari, there happens to be a special cactus-like plant called the Hoodia Gordonii that contains a special ingredient called Hoodia. For thousands of years, the tribesmen of this region had been harvesting the Hoodia plants for the ingredients inside because it helped them to not feel hungry during long hunting trips. Well, for several centuries they kept this secret hidden until finally the Hoodia Gordonii's special properties were discovered by the scientific community.

Several researchers and pharmaceutical companies found that the Hoodia in the Hoodia Gordonii plant contains a special molecule that is able to stop hunger pangs and keep people from overeating. What was interesting about this plant, was that it didn't have any stimulants inside, it simply had the ability to suppress someone's appetite. There was a time when the drug company Pfizer attempted to create a drug out of Hoodia, but this project was halted when it was discovered that the costs to create synthetic versions of the plant were too much.

Eventually, smaller groups of researchers went to Africa to study the plant and learned how to harvest it and create Hoodia supplements out of the plant residue. As a result, you will see several brands that offer Hoodia in a easy to use pill form that can help you stop hunger all day long. Although Hoodia was only recently discovered, it seems as if the benefits are certainly clear, thanks to researchers at Brown University. The Hoodia extract derived from the Hoodia Gordonii does indeed suppress someone's appetite without causing heart conditions or other bad side effects. This certainly is a very interesting product, especially if you are trying to eat less and lose weight.

By: Scott Miscall


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