Monday, August 31, 2009

About those "Exchanges"

As we noted regarding abortion coverage, sometimes what isn't said in a particular bill is as important (and perhaps even more so) as what is stated. Which brings us to whether or not illegal aliens would be covered under the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act [ed: nice segue!].
Turns out, not only would they be covered, but they'd be required to buy their insurance from the Exchange mechanism put forth in the bill.
But don't take my word for it; let's see what the non-partisan Congressional Research Service has to say:
On the one hand, this would definitely solve much of the problem of the "uninsured:" since illegals comprise some 20% of that group, forcing them to buy coverage through the taxpayer-subsidized Exchange would ameliorate that problem. On the other hand, of course, forcing them to buy coverage through the taxpayer-subsidized Exchange will further drive costs skyward.
As Bob is fond of asking, doesn't anybody in Obamington think these things through?


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