Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lose Weight Quickly - In 3 Easy Steps

When people ask 'How do I lose weight?' the response is often 'Eat 4-5 small meals per day and workout regularly'. Now, that is not what I am saying, but this is the kind of advice that you would get from most of the weight loss experts. If weight loss was really so simple, why are so many people still overweight after months and months of dieting and exercise?

Weight loss is not so simple, and the reason is because of our lifestyle habits. The age we live in is not conducive to losing weight quickly. We live in a society of fast food, instant meals, TV's and computers. If our habits were as simple and natural as our forefathers, then losing weight would be much simpler. When one leads a simple and natural life, there is little possibility of gaining weight in the first place.

However the modern lifestyle is characterized by stress, fast lifestyle and poor diet. It can be extremely hard to lose weight because we find it so difficult to change our lifestyle habits. Having said that, with self-discipline and determination, many people have successfully lost weight. If thousands of others can do it, so can you!

1. Eat slowly: Many people eat too quickly and end up overeating! If you want to lose weight, you must learn to eat slowly. You may not be aware of the fact that it takes the brain at least twenty minutes to realize that you are full? So, by eating slowly, you will feel full before you have eaten too much. Not only that but eating slowly also aids in quicker digestion!

2. Avoid snacks in the evening: Eating snacks in the evening is not a good habit, especially if you want to lose weight quickly. As a general rule, you should not snack after 7.00 PM, because this is close enough to bed time that your body would store food instead of digesting it! This results in weight gain. If you really want to eat something in the evening, try eating some fresh fruit instead. The only exception to this would be those who work late at night or train in the evening. If you are active you still need to replace lost energy.

3. Drink Lots of Water: Remember one thing - when it comes to losing weight quickly water is your true friend. Did you know that almost 80% of your body is composed of water? Surprising isn't it? Soif you drink water regularly, it not only helps to flush out all the toxins from your body, but also increases your metabolic rate. Both of these things will ultimately help you to lose weight quickly!


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