Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weight Loss Tips Without Starving Yourself

Is exercise the best way to lose weight?

The New Year rush on gyms and fitness clubs would suggest that people realise that being overweight can jeopardise not just your health but ultimately your life. 300,000 people die each year from obesity related complications.

Here are a few weight loss tips to win the battle against weight gain. The first, and perhaps most obvious, is exercise. A sizeable number of people are overweight because they live an inactive lifestyle, that is, a life that is devoid of exercise or much physical exertion.

Enrolling in a gym is ideal because you can seek the advice of the resident instructor who can work with you to form an exercise regime. If your budget doesn't extend to joining a gym or you just don't want to, you could jog or walk around the block. On your own is fine but I and many others I know prefer company. This provides motivation and encouragement when the inevitable drop in enthusiasm arrives. Many communities now have walking groups which welcome new members.

When choosing food, pick those foods that have low fats and low carbohydrates. I have found a few good low fat recipe books on online book stores. Have a search and see what's right for you.

Lose belly fat without starving yourself.

Have you ever kept eating until you felt full? Me too. But how do you feel afterward. If you're anything like me, you feel even worse. This is because there is a delay between your stomach being full and the brain telling you to stop eating.

This means that when you feel full, you have already eaten too much. So how do you avoid this?

One way is to put your knife and fork down between mouthfuls and take the time to properly chew your food. This also serves to get you more nutrition from your food as it is easier to digest when properly chewed.

Get out of the habit of clearing your plate. Until you master portion control, that is figuring out just how much you need to sustain yourself, you will find that the portions you put out are much more than you need. The eyes are, after all, bigger than the stomach as I've heard it said.

In Britain, an experiment was carried out on TV during which several hungry people were taken to a diner for breakfast and were told they could eat as much as they liked until they were full. Most plates were cleared. However, when the experiment was repeated with the volunteers blindfolded, most were full with food still on their plates.

So, to lose weight easier, slow down your eating and don't feel you need to clear your plate. Buy a roll of foil for leftovers if you don't want to throw them out.

There are many online forums which provide weight loss tips from those who use them. They are usually free to join and offer a great sense of community and support. You will quickly make friends and you will be able to offer advice to others as well as asking questions of them.

So, losing weight doesn't have to be painful. You don't have to suffer alone. Get the word out that you are looking to lose weight and you will find companions to help guide you on your way. Good Luck!

By David R Taylor


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