Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Civil Debate: So Now We're Terrorists?!

Oy!Bama's perpetual campaign acolytes seem to have outdone themselves:
Froth at the mouth much?
To its credit, the Oy!Bama-linked "Organizing for America" has since pulled the (no doubt unintentionally) revealing post; to its discredit, the "grassroots" organization felt it appropriate to run it in the first place.
I'm ambivalent on this: on the one hand, being labeled a "Right Wing Domestic Terrorist" is somewhat off-putting; on the other, it would definitely make a great name for a band (with apologies to Dave Barry).
One of the problems, of course, is that it's very difficult to convince someone of the value of your position while you're engaged in vile name-calling. And since an overwhelming majority of Americans are dead-set against ObamaCare, it seems to me that OFA (et al) would do well to remember that old adage about flies and honey.


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