Thursday, October 1, 2009

Comments: Heads' Up [UPDATED]

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After several false starts, it appears that our transition to HaloScan's new "Echo Live" comment-moderation system is finally underway. Please be patient while we adjust to the new system; we'll have your pending comments approved ASAP.
This new system has some cool features, including "whitelisting" and social-networking support.
Ostensibly, this should be a seamless transition, but I'm well aware of Murphy's Law, so keep your fingers crossed for us. Also, I've been informed that ours is their VERY FIRST HaloScan-to-Echo conversion. The update is currently underway.
Thanks for your patience!
UPDATE 1: Well, that was a fizzle. The conversion program reports that we don't even have HaloScan. I've notified HS tech support. Back to wait-and-see.
UPDATE 2: Okay, they've resolved that problem, and the conversion is underway. I've been informed that the migration of previous comments to the new system may take several days.
UPDATE 3: It appears that the new system is up and running, and that previous comments have been migrated. In addition to some "back-room" fixes, these two new features are welcome:
■ As before, comments are moderated; that is, they must be approved before showing up. But we now have a "white-listing" feature that allows folks with a certain number of already-approved comments to be automatically "pre-approved" for new ones. So those worthies will see their comments show up immediately.
■ There's a new (well, to us) Visitor Profile widget. This lets those who choose to make use of it view and maintain their personal profiles.
If you sign in (rather than post anonymously, which is still available) the profile option's pretty cool. You can include a picture ("avatar"), as well as your site info (PLEASE: no commercial websites). Please let me know if you have any trouble with the new system.


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