Thursday, November 5, 2009

AARP Throws Seniors Under The Bus: Turnabout Fair Play?

After several false starts, AARP has pulled the trigger on its endorsement of PelosiCare, and the draconian Medicare cuts which will result. Any organization that seeks to put its own members at risk is, of course, free to do so, but it seems reasonable that there should be consequences for such a betrayal.

Since I've never been a member, I can't tear up my AARP membership card, enclose it with a letter expressing my disgust and disdain, and then mail that to AARP's headquarters.

But if you are, then I would encourage you to do so as soon as possible, and then head over to the American Seniors Association, which is on record as being against ObamaCare (and its various incarnations).

And if you join today (as I just did), there's a special two-fer deal going on. Making an important statement and saving money: priceless.


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