Thursday, November 19, 2009

All Natural Weight Loss For Women and Men

Here are some all natural weight loss tips. You may have heard some of them before, but others may surprise you.

1. Drink green tea instead of coffee. This research is contradictory, but green tea can "improve" one's metabolism enough to burn some extra calories per day. May also help your body burn more calories during exercise.

2. If you do not drink coffee, then just drink lots of water. Make sure the water you drink has been purified to remove chlorine and other chemicals, and heavy metals such as lead. Research has shown that people who drink an 8-ounce glasses of water, half an hour before eating, eat less.

3. Choose healthy fats. This is a myth that all fats are equal. They may have the same caloric value, but they have the same effect on the body very differently. Largely contribute to the inflammation, the cause of aging. Omega-3 fats, on the other hand, has anti-inflammatory influence.

If, as part of a natural weight loss plan, you switch from corn oil or canola oil, salmon meal, almonds, walnuts and lean poultry instead of beef, pork and other meats, avoid trans-fatty acids and saturated fats , then you'll lose a few pounds and your body will be healthier, in general.

4. Choose healthy carbohydrates. This is also a myth that all carbohydrates are equal. Once again, they may have the same caloric value, but that's all they have in common.

Simple carbohydrates digested quickly and contribute to fat storage. Complex carbohydrates slowly digested. They contain fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients needed. They are filling and they do not contribute to fat storage.

As part of the natural weight loss plan, please cut simple carbohydrates. This is an easy thing to do. You will not starve and you will do a lot of good things for the long-term health.

Simple carbohydrates, including refined or processed grains (white rice, most breads and baked), white potatoes, white sugar and most types of pasta. Complex carbohydrates include vegetables, fruits and grains such as rice and wheat.

You can eat almost all fruits and vegetables you want, every day and still lose pounds of fat. Just be careful about the type of fat you use to cook them and be careful for salads. There are lots of hidden calories and "bad" ingredients in it.

5. Exercise is an important part of each of all the weight-loss plan natural, but you do not have to exhaust yourself on the treadmill every day. In fact, you should not.

You have to do a few minutes aerobic, who got the heart beats fast and good for heart health. You should do a little warming up, before you do the exercises. Warm-up can be a quick 5 minute walk.

But, many people ignore the importance of exercise to build strength. If you want a good all natural weight loss plan, you should learn more about building your muscles. In the long run, could be the most important step.

By Audrey J


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