Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November Wikio Rankings: InsureBlog Exclusive

Thanks to Wikio's Clara Chappaz, we're proud to present - exclusively here at IB! - this month's new Wikio (Health) rankings. And we're mighty proud to have moved up 3 notches to the #5 spot. Thanks, Clara!

1Highlight HEALTH

2Kevin, M.D. - Medical Weblog

3The Covert Rationing Blog

4In the Pipeline


6The Carlat Psychiatry Blog

7Health Care Renewal

8Diabetes Mine

9Six Until Me.

10Healthcare Economist

11DB's Medical Rants

12Fight Aging!

13John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

14Doctor Anonymous


16The Last Psychiatrist

17The Doctor Is In

18Disease Management Care Blog

19Musings of a Dinosaur

20Schwitzer health news blog

Wikio Blogs


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