Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Everything Including the Kitchen Sink

While Congress wants you to believe you are getting a Christmas present in the form of health insurance reform it is beginning to look more like a lump of coal. The reckless spending and political vote buying (with our money) is one thing, but the Senate bill is beginning to look like a "cram everything you can into this law because we may never have a chance like this again" piece of . . . legislation.

Some parts of the bill make no sense whatsoever, including (but not limited to) the part that discusses "Wellness and Prevention Programs" on page 5 under the heading "Protection of Second Amendment Gun Rights"

Will someone tell me how wellness programs are tied to gun rights?

The folks at Reuters found this jewel. The CLASS Act will add a long term care insurance benefit to the already gargantuan health insurance reform bill.

A new government insurance program that would help the elderly and disabled stay in their homes is headed for passage in the U.S. Senate's sweeping healthcare revamp despite doubts about its viability and cost.

The measure has not received the intense scrutiny focused on a proposed government-run medical coverage plan, which has been jettisoned from the the Senate's healthcare bill and is unlikely to be restored in final legislation.

But the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act, which was championed by the late Senator Edward Kennedy, is a significant program that supporters say is long overdue and critics say could add to the federal treasury's long-term debt problems.

As with anything else coming out of Washington, it always sounds much better than it really is.

We never did find those WMD's, did we?

UPDATE [HGS]: Regarding Bob's point about the CLASS(less) Act, we pointed out here that:

"The Feds can't even handle a simple flu vaccine distribution, but they can administer a new long term care plan? They have the experience and expertise to adjudicate claims? What happens when (not if) they're wrong? Will they raise those "modest rates?" Cut back on that "generous" $50 a day benefit? Or simply deny claims, as they do now with Medicare?"


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