Sunday, December 6, 2009

(Un?)Intended Consequences: More Mammography Monkeyshines

Talk about a roller coaster: first, the Feds decide that mammograms really aren't "all that," then they decide "well, maybe they are." Now the Golden State has decided that those women on the bottom rungs of the economic ladder don't really need them, after all:

"The eligibility age for state-subsidized breast cancer screening has been raised from 40 to 50 by the California Health and Human Services Agency, which will also temporarily stop enrollment in the breast cancer screening program."

This is a state-funded initiative that had previously helped poor women to pay for this important (or not) cancer screening. It's particularly troublesome because "[m]ore than 50 percent of the women we give breast exams and mammograms to are in their 40s ...The majority of our current breast cancer survivors are women in their 40s.”

That's a pretty large swath of females that just got thrown under the health care bus. As we've noted before, while insurers can't arbitrarily decide whether or not to pay for certain procedures (and face sanctions, arbitration or lawsuits if they try), the gummint has the ultimate decision-making power: if they decide you're not going to get needed care, then you're not going to get needed care.

[Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit]


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