Thursday, March 4, 2010

Your Healthcare is in the mail...

[Welcome Industry Radar readers!]

Let's play a word game:

"The [Federal Healthcare Service] is inching closer to doing something it's discussed for years -- ending Saturday [health care] delivery."

The Post Office is a quasi-government service tasked with delivering the mail, and "[n]either snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." Except, of course, if it means going even further into the red. Thus, the current discussion about cutting its actual delivery service by 16%.

[ed: This represents 1/6 of their promised delivery service, just as health care represents 1/6 of the economy. Coincidence?]

What does this have to do with ObamaCare© v?.0? Well, what happens when the shiny new gummint-run health care system isn't so shiny or new anymore, and demand begins to outstrip supply? Simple: just cut out 1/6 of its promised delivery service.

On the one hand, I'm not sure I'd miss the bills and junk mail on my weekends, but that's really not the issue. The real problem is that, by law, only the USPS is allowed to offer daily mail delivery (FedEx, et al can only deliver "packages"). So if I wanted to have mail delivered on Saturday, I couldn't contract with another carrier for that service. I'm just outta luck.

Now, substitute "Marcus Welby" for "Cliff Clavin" and you begin to understand the real problem.


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