Although I stand by my suspicions as to how politics may well influence how health care is eventually delivered, this is most definitely out-of-bounds:
"A Florida doctor who opposes the new health care law posted a sign on his office door telling patients who voted for President Obama to get care "elsewhere..."
Aside from the obvious (and insurmountable) problem of identifying which patients voted for whom, this sets a very bad precedent. What's to stop physicians from refusing to treat patients who buy Global Warming (or doubt it), or are in favor of tax hikes (or cuts)? This doesn't seem to be very much in keeping with the Hippocratic Oath.
I also wonder if there aren't professional ethical issues, as well: although we know that local "medical societies" are (to say the least) lax regarding these guidelines, that doesn't excuse providers from actually following them.
"A Florida doctor who opposes the new health care law posted a sign on his office door telling patients who voted for President Obama to get care "elsewhere..."
Aside from the obvious (and insurmountable) problem of identifying which patients voted for whom, this sets a very bad precedent. What's to stop physicians from refusing to treat patients who buy Global Warming (or doubt it), or are in favor of tax hikes (or cuts)? This doesn't seem to be very much in keeping with the Hippocratic Oath.
I also wonder if there aren't professional ethical issues, as well: although we know that local "medical societies" are (to say the least) lax regarding these guidelines, that doesn't excuse providers from actually following them.
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