Monday, April 5, 2010

Oy Canada! Runaway Costs Coming Home to Roost

So our "broken system" needed a mutli-trillion dollar fix, based at least in part on the "success" of Canada's?

Not so fast there, pardner:

"The light bulb has gone on and the Ontario government has finally realized that the current method of financing health care in this province is not sustainable ... Premier Dalton McGuinty warned that if serious reforms are not implemented soon, health spending will consume 70 cents of every provincial dollar spent in 12 years. Not only would this increase government rationing of health care services, it would also crowd out other critical public services."

A couple of key points here:

■ What exactly comprise "serious reforms?" Is the Premier perhaps hinting at returning to a privatized system?

■ I found this little throw-away particularly delicious: "increase government rationing of health care services." In fact, this is a profound admission that the Canadian system is, in fact, based on rationing health care, and they still can't hold down costs.

Boy, I'm thrilled we've chosen that route, too.


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