When I saw this headline, "Scam alert issued on new health care law" I immediately thought "good, someone's finally called ObamaCare© what it really is." But alas, it's a hit piece on some poor, hard-working individuals looking on the bright side of our new health care financing system:
"Some of the [entrepreneurs] are going door to door claiming there's a limited open-enrollment period to buy health insurance now."
Which is, after all, quite true: once the new law is in full effect, there will be limited types of plans and providers, and most insurance policies are likely to be quite unaffordable.
The article says that "Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen [Shecantbeserious] said Tuesday she's writing state officials about a proliferation of scams involving the new health care law." Not sure why she'd do that; seems to me that she should be directing her correspondence to Sens Nelson and Landrieu (to name just two), since they're primary instigators of the scam writ large.
Perhaps she'll get to that, eventually.
"Some of the [entrepreneurs] are going door to door claiming there's a limited open-enrollment period to buy health insurance now."
Which is, after all, quite true: once the new law is in full effect, there will be limited types of plans and providers, and most insurance policies are likely to be quite unaffordable.
The article says that "Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen [Shecantbeserious] said Tuesday she's writing state officials about a proliferation of scams involving the new health care law." Not sure why she'd do that; seems to me that she should be directing her correspondence to Sens Nelson and Landrieu (to name just two), since they're primary instigators of the scam writ large.
Perhaps she'll get to that, eventually.
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