Friday, October 21, 2011

Campylobacter Symptoms and Causes

Intermittent fever which may be the only campylobacter symptoms infections outside the gastrointestinal tract.

Additional symptoms to systemic infection include joint pain accompanied by red and swollen, abdominal pain and enlarged liver and spleen. Sometimes the infection can attack the heart valves (endocarditis) and brain membranes and spinal cord (meningitis). The symptoms consisted of diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramps, which can be quite severe. Diarrhea may be bloody, and may develop a fever between 37.8 to 40 Celsius.

The typical campylobacter symptoms are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhea, and vomiting (although vomiting does not always occur). The diarrhea can sometimes be bloody. You may also get crampy stomach pains and develop a fever. Symptoms tend to come on within 2-5 days of eating the contaminated food or of being in contact with the contaminated animal. But sometimes the time period before symptoms appear (known as the 'incubation period') can be as long as 10 days.

In most people, campylobacter symptoms are relatively mild and improve within 2-3 days. About 9 in 10 affected people recover from the illness within one week. However, sometimes, symptoms can be more severe and/or complications can occur. If symptoms are severe, dehydration can occur. Dehydration is when there is a lack of fluid in the body. You should consult a doctor quickly if you suspect that you or your child is becoming dehydrated. Mild dehydration is common and is usually easily reversed by drinking lots of fluids. Severe dehydration can be fatal unless quickly treated because the organs of your body need a certain amount of fluid to function.


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