Friday, October 21, 2011

Early onset alzheimer s symptoms

Patients with early onset Alzheimer's disease in the group are people aged under 60 years (mostly due to genetic factors). Individuals with one of his immediate family with this disorder have a risk of 2X.

Most common Early onset Alzheimer's Symptoms

1. Loss of memory
At first the patient will experience cognitive decline that began with difficulty remembering new information and is easy to forget the newly acquired information. The longer an individual suffering from Alzheimer's, decline in cognitive function is going to get worse.

2. Apraxia
It is characterized by hard working people with a familiar task. Patients often have difficulty in completing daily tasks, which they know.

3. Language disorders
At first the patient would seem difficult to find the right words in expressing his thoughts. The more severe the disease, then patients with speech and or writing so difficult to understand because people use the phrase with the substitution of words that are not commonly used.

4. Visuo-spatial dysfunction 
Characterized by disorientation of time and place. Patients can get lost in the street near her own home, forgetting where he was, how he came to the area, and do not know how to get back into the house.

5. Executive dysfunction
This is because patients with frontal lobe disorder, characterized by: poor problem solving, reasoning, decision making and assessment.

6. Trouble with abstract thinking
Balancing a checkbook can be so difficult when the task is more complicated than usual. However, in patients, they would completely forget how many numbers, and what should they do to those numbers.

7. Patients will put things in place that is not reasonable

8. Moody or behavior changes
Everyone can become sad or moody from time to time, but patients displaying mood swings from calm to fear then became angry suddenly without any apparent reason.

9. Changes in personality
Is an advanced form of moody changes, characterized by symptoms psikitrik and behavior. Patients can be greatly changed, become completely chaotic, full of suspicion, anxiety, fear or become dependent on family members.

10. Apathetic
Patients become passive, sitting in front of the television for hours, sleeping more than usual or not wanting to do activities that are usually performed.


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