Friday, November 18, 2011

Overcome Dehydration in Infant

The main actions that you should do to cope with infant who are dehydration is as soon as possible to replace body fluids that much out.

The liquid that you provide can be plain water, fruit juice, ice cream, or other liquid forms. Importantly, given the type of fluid in accordance with the health condition of the baby's body. For example, if he has a cold, do not give away ice cream.

When infant should be taken to the doctor? When the infant diarrhea and vomiting. If he had diarrhea and vomited liquid remains you have provided, then the body will remain dehydrated. This situation obviously should not be allowed to drag on. Typically, doctors will replace the baby's body fluids via a drip.

Tips to avoid. Preventing is always better than cure. Here are some things you can do to avoid dehydration in your infants.

• Familiarize your child to drink regularly every day, especially if the infant a lot of activity. Fluids consumed should be set to vary.

• Children should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. You can give in the form of a combination of different types of liquids, such as fruit juices, fresh fruits, soups, and others.

• Give your infants a drink before starting the move, such as playing in the yard.

• Stay give drink to the baby, even though he is not very thirsty.

• Do not give children drinks that contain caffeine, such as iced tea and cola type drinks containing soda, especially when the infant was jealous enterprising activities and lots of sweat. Why? Caffeine can increase the burden on blood flow. As a result, the blood was so thick and sweat production was reduced.

• When the hot air and hot weather, stop for a moment the child's activity. If possible, do it for several times. While resting in a cool, let your baby eat a variety of fluids.

• Give first aid, in the form of ORS solution, if the baby is vomiting or diarrhea

Identify Causes Dehydration In Infants

There are some health problems often experienced by infant. One of them, dehydration or lack of fluids. So, recognize the symptoms of dehydration and proper way to handle it. Generally, children are dehydrated from lack of drink or less a lot of fluid that is inserted into the tiny body. This may be due to the baby is too busy playing that I forget to drink.

Besides the lack of fluid, there are also other causes of dehydration in infants, including:

• Flu or a cold. Dehydration can occur when the baby was sick with the flu or a cold. Although not frequent vomiting and did not pee, he will still feel weak as people hunger and thirst. Typically, this happens because he refused to eat or drink.

• Fatigue, even if your baby is not too much to play and get enough sleep. This occurs due to how much you sweat or energy that comes out.

• Infected with the virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea. Even though your baby does not pee back and forth, getting enough sleep, and fatigue are not playing, he could have become dehydrated from vomiting and diarrhea are experienced.


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