Sunday, November 13, 2011

Question of the Day

Today's question is: Do I take steroids so I can drive competently or try to do without?

After 12 hours of sleep, I feel okay, but I've only been up for ten minutes. How I feel now does not mean I won't hit the wall later.

Also, I may have overstated the bit about stuffing my face as I've lost another pound.

Apparently a granola bar, a sausage biscuit, a bit of salad and a low carb hot chocolate aren't enough to keep it together.

I'm going to try a lower carb smoothie this morning. With some Fage greek yogurt and cream to boost calories. And I'm supposed to do Mediterranean for lunch with a friend (hence the driving issue.)

I absolutely do not mind the weight loss, it's the vicious sugar lows I'm trying to avoid.


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