Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Razor burn remedies tips

If our skin slashed by razor, you need remedies, the resulting burn will cause damage to the skin, Conscious or not, when razor scraping your skin, minor burn will occur. Burn is not visible by naked eye and not even feel you have a gate wide enough to exit the entry of germs.

Symptoms and signs of recovery phase of burns

1. Inflammation Stadium
Palpable warmth burns - injuries visible swelling and redness, scabs formed, lasts for 4-5 days.

2. Cytology Stadium
Granulation tissue formation, wrinkling the wound, the wound looks red and contract, lasted 4 days - 4 weeks

3. Maturation Stage
Formation of blood vessels into the burn area decreases, begin to form collagen fibers, wound scar tissue appears as a pale color. If the burn degrees is accompanied by these signs, then you should immediately see a doctor or hospital. red, swollen, tender, warm, throbbing pain or pain when pressed, purulent, foul odor, fever Accidental injuries are not immediately healed. Bacterial contamination and infection, extensive tissue damage and disruption of blood flow to the injured area will slow the healing of wounds. In addition, wound healing is also affected by nutritional status, immune system and other bad habits.

Razor burn remedies

The main purpose of  razor burn remedies, is to restore the function of the injured body part, reduce the risk of infection and minimize the formation of bakas wound. To treat minor wounds himself and not too broad, there are some basic guidelines that can be applied:
1. wash hands
2. burns clean
3. clean the skin around the burn
4. cover burns
5. replace the bandages as often as possible
6. use of antibiotic-containing gel.


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