Sunday, March 11, 2012

Is heartburn an early sign of pregnancy?

Different things happen to everyone during pregnancy. You could have heart burn the first day... tums and Rolaids can help immediately. BUT HEART BURN doesn't means YOUR PREGNANT a positive pregnancy test and a doctors appointment means your pregnant... But you can be in the first trimester and feel like you have heartburn ... Heart burn UNtreated in women can mean a heart attack ....and heart burn UN treated can turn into Cancer at least get this looked at .. if you think your pregnate get a test .. yeah if you never had heartburn and your getting it alot there is a chance... you could be but know for sure ... it could be something else. even worse.

And YES pregnancy can be a sign of heartburn, but it's not always the earliest signs, it can be caused by a number of things; Caffine (coffee, pop, chocolate), spicy foods, medications you are on, constipation and abnormal bowels can cause problems. I just wouldn't take heartburn as a first indicator, but if it goes along with other signs then you could consider it.

Heartburn can be caused by many reason.... like peptic ulcer, esophageal reflux, spicy food, oily food etc etc. It doesn't usually occur during early pregnancy... it does happen but in later stages when the abdomen is pushed by the growing baby....early sign of pregnancy is "nausea" that typically occurs in the early morning.


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