Monday, March 12, 2012

When do pregnancy symptoms start

When do pregnancy symptoms start? Before using a pregnancy test, try these classic way to find out the pregnancy.

Are you pregnant? Proof that you are pregnant is to use a pregnancy test. But you can expect or hope that you have been pregnant, even before you missed period, if you have one or more of the signs or symptoms of pregnancy below. These early signs may occur in the first week after conception (fertilization).

Breasts or nipples become sore and swollen

One of the early physical changes of pregnancy is the difference in taste of the breast. Breasts will become sore and swollen, or become fuller and heavier. Two weeks of pregnancy, your breasts will begin to grow and begin to prepare to produce milk. The main cause of this change is due to increased hormones estrogen and progesterone. Changes in the breast will be most dramatic if this happens on your first pregnancy.


Most women will feel fatigued during pregnancy, especially early in pregnancy. As a result, you should be more frequent naps in preparation for the trying to sleep later at night. But there are also physical causes that can cause fatigue.

In the first week of pregnancy, your body is working hard - produces hormones and producing more blood to deliver nutrients to the fetus. To support the increased blood flow, then the heart will pump harder and faster. In addition, the increase in the hormone progesterone has depressant effects on the nervous system naturally can cause drowsiness. Beside that also concerns about the certainty of pregnancy will drain energy and can disrupt your sleep.

Bleeding or abdominal cramping

Some women will experience "spotting" or a little bleeding in early pregnancy, about 10 to 14 days after fertilization. Often referred to as "implantation bleeding", this happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. This type of bleeding usually occurs earlier, the color is younger and faster to stop bleeding during menstruation than normally.

Many women also experience abdominal cramps during early pregnancy when the uterus begins to enlarge. These cramps similar to menstrual cramps.

Nausea with or without vomiting

Nausea in the morning is an early symptom of pregnancy is the most famous. Most women experience nausea about four to eight weeks of pregnancy, but the nausea can also be felt in the second week after conception. Even so, many pregnant women who are experiencing nausea / vomiting until the third trimester. Complaints of nausea and vomiting will be categorized by weight if pregnant women are always throwing up every time a drink or meal. As a result, the body will become weak, pale face, and decreased frequency of urination, and weight did not increase. This is called hyperemesis gravidarum. Well, so do not be a nuisance, the mother must be overcome by avoiding stress and regulate a healthy diet.

The cause of nausea and vomiting:

· Increasing the hormone estrogen. The increase of this hormone increases the levels of stomach acid, up came the complaints of nausea. These complaints usually arise in the morning when the mother's stomach is empty and there was an increase of gastric acid

· Factors hCG. The hormone human chorionic placenta Gonodotrophin produced in early pregnancy is suspected of causing nausea. Not surprisingly, complaints of nausea, vomiting will subside by itself with increasing gestational age.

· Changes in liver glycogen metabolism. Pregnancy causes liver glycogen metabolism, and this is the alleged ringleader of the trigger complaints of nausea, vomiting. However, this complaint will go away when there is compensation of glycogen metabolism in the body.

· Psychological factors. A young pregnant mother who was not yet ready to become pregnant, or even who do not want a pregnancy will usually feel depressed. This distress can trigger nausea and vomiting.

Reluctance or crave a particular food
If at any time you feel sick when eating certain foods or smell, it may be an early sign that you're pregnant. In the first weeks of pregnancy is usually the smell of coffee can cause nausea. Meat, dairy foods and spicy foods too often can cause nausea.

A type of food cravings are also common during pregnancy. As in other pregnancy symptoms, a tendency towards a kind of food is caused by hormonal changes in your body. Pregnant women will experience different food than usual, especially in the first 3 months, this is because of hormonal influences.

Continuous urination
Many pregnant women will have to urinate more frequently than usual. This occurs due to the enlarged uterus pressing the bladder.

The headaches will often occur when you are pregnant. These headaches may be caused by increased blood circulation due to hormonal changes in the body.

Other early signs of pregnancy can be constipation. This can be caused due to an increase in the hormone progesterone can cause digestive work more slowly. Where foods are digested slowly so that it can cause constipation.

Change of Mood
You are not a whiny woman, but lately you can cry when watching a touching ad. Increased production of hormones in your body can cause you to become emotional and cry easily. Mood changes suddenly become commonplace, especially in the first three months of pregnancy.

Dizziness and fainting
For a pregnant woman had a little dizziness are common. This sensation is caused by changes in blood circulation which is when blood vessels dilate and blood pressure decreased. In early pregnancy, feel like fainting may also be caused by reduced blood sugar levels.

Increased body temperature
What is meant here is that the body temperature was measured using a thermometer in your mouth when you wake up in the morning. Temperatures will be slightly increased after ovulation until the onset of menstruation. If rising temperatures continue for more than two weeks after ovulation then there is a possibility you are pregnant.

Are you really pregnant?
The symptoms above are not always able to be a sign that you are pregnant. Some of these symptoms may occur when you get sick or will experience menstruation. In fact, you could be pregnant without experiencing any of these symptoms.


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