Monday, April 2, 2012

Thumbs Up

Last I was here, I said I felt like I was getting sick. The usual array of low immunity symptoms had hit, but I wasn't sure why. It wasn't like I had done anything.

I took 20,000ius of D3, 75mcg of Zinc and 1000mg of C and improved. There seemed to be a distinct cause and effect between those vitamins and feeling better. I no longer felt as if a cold lurked in the shadows of a dark alley, just waiting to shake me down.

The next day I had a little bit of lingering sore throat and congestion, but I did my anti-bug cocktail again and now I'm attempting exercise.

The bruise on my knee is starting to go grey and I've been walking okay for a few days. Given the lack of other health weirdness, it seems like a good time to squat. The toddler and I are also going to take the black lab for a short walk.

The GERD has calmed down. My asthma is relatively well controlled (it's been iffy).

So thumbs up.


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