Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bizarre Ways Some Brides Go Through To Lose Weight

It is a known fact that there are a lot more women who are preoccupied about losing weight than men. However, there are some women who seem to be on a quest to lose a lot of weight in just a short period of time, no matter what the cost. These weight-loss fanatics are, more often than not, the brides-to-be.

In a recent survey, majority of women who are about to say "I do" are planning to lose an average of 20 pounds before their big day. This figure roughly translates to about 15% of the body weight of these blushing brides. Since losing 20 pounds in a month or two is quite difficult to achieve, many women go to great lengths just to reach their dream of wearing a gown that is a size or two smaller than their present size. A poll done at Cornell University found that 70% of the 300 respondents want to drop dress sizes before their wedding day. In fact, 14% of the same group has already paid for wedding gowns that are a couple of dress sizes smaller than their actual sizes. Here are some of the ways in which these brides try to lose weight.

Cabbage Soup Diet

A popular diet in the 90s, the cabbage soup diet still has not lost its luster these days. Since the cabbage soup diet requires a person to eat only cabbage soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it usually helps a person lose a lot of pounds, especially in the early days of the diet.

Although you can get some nutrients in a cabbage soup diet, many experts believe that this type of food plan is not a healthy option because it does not provide you all the nutrients you need to go on with your day. A bride is usually very busy, so eating just cabbage soup for days or weeks before the wedding can make her feel nauseous or dizzy on her wedding day.

Water Galore

Another diet craze that many engaged in is water diet which calls for drinking a lot of water. It is known to many that drinking water can make a person feel less hungry. As a result, people who try this diet end up losing a couple of pounds. Although this approach is effective because it can really make one lose weight, it might not be enough to help a bride get to her desired weight level.

Exercise Till You Drop

There are also some who think that exercising till their joints and muscles ache is the best way to lose weight. Some soon-to-be-married women spend three hours a day in the gym just to make sure that their body becomes fit and slender days before their wedding. There is really nothing wrong with exercising. In fact, it is one of the best things you can do to make your body fit; however, there is also such a thing as overexertion.

Instead of becoming beautiful and sexy on your wedding day, you might end up in a cast or crutches because your muscles and joints have already given way due to overexertion. Furthermore, you might not be able to enjoy your wedding night because of the aches and pains that you will feel from long hours of workout.

If you really want to shed pounds fast, you have to make sure that your metabolism is not sluggish. Try to increase your body's ability to burn fat and cut your cravings for food. Sometimes, you need to go on a diet, do regular exercise and undergo weight training in order to achieve a fast and effective weight loss program. If you are really in a hurry to lose the flab, you may want to use natural diet supplements, such as Phenocal, to speed up your weight loss. For more information, visit

by Janet Martin

Related : 5 Tips To Successful Weight Loss


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