Saturday, October 24, 2009

Stepping in it, Again

It seems that my propensity for straight talk viz: risk is at the fore, again. This week, I was interviewed by a very nice lady from Kaiser HealthNews, Jenny Gold. Jenny was doing a story on so-called "gender-rating" in health insurance, and was referred to me by an old blog-buddy, Kate Steadman. The article is now available on-line.

It may also end up on NPR; we'll let you know how that goes.

By the way, I referred to "so-called gender rating" because I'm somewhat of a stickler for correct grammar; as my former teacher explained, "words have 'gender,' people have 'sex.'" Her point was that, when identifying whether or not one is male or female, the correct term is "sex," not "gender."

Enjoy the article!


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