Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weight Loss Tips - Highly Effective Tips For Quick Weight Loss Regardless of Your Body Type and Age

Weight loss is not a very difficult task as generally assumed when you have the right information, strategy and determination. However, it is not easy to pick the right information and strategy because of overloaded information.

Many people are struggling to maintain a healthy body weight in spite of their daily consistent effort to lose weight. Weight loss workout and dieting alone will not give a quick weight loss result or any result at all if you are not doing it right.

To begin with, make your weight loss plan simple and practical. Here are some weight lose tips which are highly effective regardless of body type and age:

Take 5 - 6 Meals a Day

Small and frequent meals of 5 - 6 times a day are very important for weight loss. Meal frequency with 2.5 - 3 hours breaks in between help increase our metabolism and control excessive calorie intake which is responsible for storing of fats. It also suppresses hunger and avoids binges.

Maintain an Ideal Calorie Intake

At an average, men need about 2400 calories and women need about 1600 calories a day for effective weight loss. However, the actual calorie requirement will vary from one person to another depending on the persons height, weight and physical activities. In the upper limit, the maximum calorie requirement for men is 5400 and 4000 for women.

Take Foods with High Thermic Effect

Some foods have high thermic effect; most of the calorie content is utilized while digesting the food and the actual calorie amount absorbed is very less. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce and celery have high thermic effect.

Avoid Junk Foods

Junk foods and preservative foods are largely responsible for weight gain. Sugar, salt and oil are extensively used while preparing junk foods and preservative foods which are major causes or weight gain. Take pack lunch and meals from home at work.

Drink Lots of Water

Take 8 - 10 glasses of water a day. Drinking water boost our metabolism because water is needed to create energy to burn calories and about 60% of our body is made up of water. Drinking water also suppresses hunger and control calorie intake.


Running is a well known exercise for weight loss and overall physical fitness. If running is your primary exercise, you should run at least 5 days a week for 45 minutes.

Be Active in Sports

Find a game or two of your interest and dedicate at least 2 days a week to play and improve your skills. It is easier to spend time and develop keen interest with sports rather than normal exercises. You'll start shedding fats sooner than you expected.

These weight lose tips really works and it's not very hard to follow. You can easily incorporate with your lifestyle, and start it today. Happy weight loss!

By Chuimi Shatsang


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