Sunday, November 15, 2009

SEVEN Proven Weight Loss Tips For the Teenagers

I will not try to sell something. All I will do is give the facts about how to lose weight safely and success tips. The rest is up to you.

First and Most Important Rule of Teenage Weight Loss

1. Eat healthy! Hunger is not solution

Every so often we hear about a teenage girl starving herself to lose weight quickly in order to attend a special function, dance or prom. Person in my mind about eighteen years, let's say his name Brandi. Brandi wanted to lose about 22 pounds in 5 weeks to attend the wedding as a bridesmaid. He wants to be noticed by her friends, and especially a male child.

During the period of heaviest Brandi can expect to lose and still maintain the health of about 10 to 12 pounds. In an effort and without getting her doctor's advice decided to starve herself. So he went and starve themselves to reach the desired weight is reached.

What happened? Then, I knew he had lost about 8 pounds in 2 weeks. During that time he developed spots all over her face and body. Yes, you guessed right, Brandi could not attend the wedding as a bridesmaid. Brandi spent a few weeks under his care physicians have to unravel the damage done to his body by starving yourself. Teenagers, let this incident be a warning to you! "When we stop eating, we stopped giving our body the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and it started t damage."

2. Healthy Eating is Better Than "Diet"

The main reason why adults have weight problems and eventually become sick is because they do something drastic or unhealthy weight-loss diet during their adolescence. Teen Diet should not be considered until their physical growth is complete is finished in adolescents usually occurs around 18 years.

Until then teenage weight should not be considered without consultation with your doctor. He will recommend a dietitian who will be able to recommend a safe and healthy. A diet that will allow the healthy growth and weight loss control.

3. Can diet causes health problems in Teens?

Yes, diet can cause health problems in adolescents. During your teens, between the ages of 12-17 years, approximately 90% of your body frame structure and adult bone mass is set as the foundation. This is not the time to rob your body of essential vitamins needed such as calcium, vitamin C & D.

Over the years, even in the short term "crash diet" may lead to the level of low bone density. Low bone density weakens your bones in later years, they become fragile and susceptible to fracture and damage.

Teen diet can also lead to low levels of acid and iron joking, that they can prevent you from becoming anemic. An individual tends anemia tires constantly. Their intellectual performance suffers.

There are other health problems associated with adolescent business "strict diet", but there are too many to mention here.

4. What Is Healthy Eating Really Mean?

Teenagers, as long as you eat a variety of foods, from 5 major food groups (fruits, vegetables, grains [rice, pasta, grains, etc.] of meat, milk, low fat) in the appropriate portions you should get all the nutrients you need.

5. Are certain foods are Off-Limits?

Not eating healthy does not mean removing yourself from high-calorie foods, like ice cream, pizza, cheeseburgers, etc. You can enjoy all the food and others in moderation.

6. Fruit for a snack Satisfy your Sweet Tooth

Take a light snack of sliced fresh fruit to school with you. You can also include some walnuts or Brazil nuts to chew

7. General Rules of Eating Well

Make sure that the half-plate of vegetables and half the remainder divided equally between protein (meat, eggs, nuts) and carbohydrates (rice, pasta, potatoes). When I eat pizza, go easy on the cheese and pepperoni are heavy on vegetables and fruit.

By Gregory Leanza


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