The toddler has an old camera and loves to take pictures. She poses her toys for elaborate portraits. There's a whole 'up the nostrils' series and our ceiling fan is her favorite subject.
We've had a few conversations about privacy. As in, don't take pictures of Mommy peeing on the toilet or coming out of the shower. Mostly, though she is intent on capturing the world as she sees it, which is awesome to watch. Every toddler should have a camera.
If I had my act together, I would have downloaded the photos and shared a few, leading up to the pic she snapped of me huddling on the couch. But I'm not together.
The post-vacation headache lasted a week. Despite NSAIDs, every afternoon I ended up head butting a pillow trying to ease the pain.
That has passed, but I just can't shake the fatigue. So now I'm on the couch because of the fatigue. Note that I am not a napper, something has to be going on for me to lay down.
It could be adrenal, I guess, but I am hesitant to take steroids as I can mostly push through to do what needs to be done, well, except for the daily nap part. There aren't too many other adrenal hallmarks. No weakness, or heaviness in limbs and the bp has been trending higher than usual, not lower than usual.
Your guess is as good as mine. All I know is I'm tired of feeling awful. I want to wake up ready to greet the day. I want a clear head, not this lingering fogginess that makes everything hard. Technically, there is nothing wrong with me so...
Maybe I'm allergic to vacations?
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