Friday, October 21, 2011

Hantavirus treatment

People with hantavirus are admitted to the hospital, often to the intensive care unit (ICU). Treatments will include: Oxygen, Breathing tube or breathing machine in severe cases, A medication called ribavirin to treat kidney-related problems and reduce the risk of death. There is no effective treatment for hantavirus infection involving the lungs.

Hantavirus is a virus spread by rats. Hantavirus found in the feces, saliva and urine of rats. The virus is transmitted to humans when dealing with rodents (mice and rabbits) are attacked by the virus.
Symptoms in people include fever and muscle aches, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.Symptoms progress to coughing and shortness of breath in-4-5 days after infection.

People who live in areas where hantavirus illnesses have occurred should take precautions to rodent-proof their homes and make outdoor areas as inhospitable to rodents as possible. People who live in areas not yet touched by hantavirus should avoid contact with rodents and be cautious about cleaning up their nests or droppings.

Public health officials emphasize that most tourist activities pose little or no risk, and that travelers need not worry about visiting areas where hantavirus has cropped up. Campers, however, should seek advice locally about avoiding native rodents.

Ribavirin, an antiviral drug, may be of some benefit. But what appears to help most is being hospitalized early, monitored carefully, and treated with life-sustaining fluids and medications that help normalize heart rate and breathing.


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