Friday, October 21, 2011

Toxoplasmosis Symptoms

Toxoplasmosis Symptoms can last for several weeks until it is reduced, signs may include lethargy, headaches, muscle-joint pain, accompanied by fever.

Although people infected with toxoplasmosis are often unaware of having this disease, typical symptoms of toxo are flulike symptoms including swollen lymph nodes. If your immune system is normal, you cannot get the infection again. Toxoplasmosis Symptoms are usually mild and heal itself within a few months. most people would assume that he had mild flu and not have to go to the doctor. if you go too, the doctor was very rare that thinking towards Toxoplasma infection.

Basically, humans are resistant (immune) to Toxoplasma infection. Although infected, it will not cause disease symptoms. If the body is strong, the infectious pathway to just quiet calm and do not cause Toxoplasmosis Symptoms.


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